Thursday 25 December 2014

Why Video Game Beta Testing?

Did you catch that title? Why video game beta testing? Here are a few more questions.
Do you love playing games? Do you want to be a video game designer? Have you ever wondered how to get into the video game industry? Well lets hope that after you are done reading this article you will have clearer answers to these questions. Lets get started.


Why video game beta testing? This is the first question most of us with the interest ask ourselves and answering it can be sorta tough.

Not difficult but complicated.
It's not just one thing, it's a lot of things together. You might want to be the first to see the games before they are released. Or you might really enjoy playing electronic games and want to turn that into a career or at least a job.

Or it could simply be a choice between heavy work outdoors verses indoor work at a desk and the desk won.

Whatever the reason, once the idea gets into your head it's hard to get it out because it sounds like so much fun! Oh and as far as I can tell there aren't any game beta tester employers who start you at less that $10 an hour.

Do you love playing video games as much as I do? Well that's another good reason to try video game beta testing.

I play MMORPGs all the time and I have to say that I would have loved having a chance to be on the ground floor helping them fix all the bugs that most of these games have.
Not only would that make game play better for me but for everyone else who would play the game as well.
If you love gaming as much as I do this might be the industry for you.

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