Tuesday 12 August 2014

The Importance of Having a School Website

A public elementary school needs multifarious approaches to attain its mission and vision. Usually, the school aimed to produce graduates who are globally competitive and skilled enough to land better jobs. To realize this, the school has to improve its instructional and institutional strategies. The limited financial resources of the school could sometimes hinder the implementation of school projects and activities. Take the case of a school with a small enrollment. The few number of students means few parents and a meager slice of the school budget based on per pupil allocation. This means it has less income in terms of voluntary donations and less maintenance and other operating expenses (MOOE). The few students, however, still require quality instructional materials same as with other schools. To raise funds for TV sets, DVD players, laboratory apparatus and other learning support materials, the school then has to establish linkages with its stakeholders. Project proposals have to be submitted to local government offices and non-government organizations hoping that they could partake whatever funds they have. One of the most untapped resources is the school alumni. Today, workers abound who are gainfully employed either here or abroad. These people have their hearts on their Alma Mater, the only problem is right communication. Here comes Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Friendster and other social networking sites. Billions of people used these sites, and for sure, graduates of the school are using them too. To connect to these people, a school must create a website where its accomplishments, problems and aspirations could be posted. It can invite its alumni to visit the school website, post their comment, read its articles and reports and revive the attachments between students and their Alma Mater. To ensure speedy contact, the school website may utilize Facebook, Twitter and other networks. A school website has the following aims: 1. To establish contact with the school alumni and friends of the school; 2. To bring school updates, accomplishments and concerns to the readers; 3. To seek financial assistance through networking; 4. To harness journalistic skills among the students; and 5. To maximize utilization of the Internet and Information Technology. How will the school create its website? Just follow these simple steps: 1. Look for free website hosting. There are millions available in the internet. Just choose those which have no hidden charges. One of the best is Google sites. 2. Register a free account with this site and utilize their website templates to start creating the school website. 3. Organize the school editorial staff. Write the needed articles and post them to the website with photos according to the desired website pages. 4. Publish the website in the internet. 5. Create a Facebook account for the school and connect them to the school website. Invite friends through Facebook and ask them to visit the school website Then after the school website and Facebook are successfully published, one may just be surprised of the number of alumni that will visit the school. The school now has people who will readily help its projects.

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